Madame X had to take a small sabbatical while new 140lb CP arrived....she complained bitterly that the hotpress was abusive :)
So, here is what has been transpiring in the wings.....This has a background of about 7 layers of Holbein cobalt, marine, burnt sienna, and raw sienna. Using water drops, kosher salt, and spritzing with a toothbrush for effects. Lifting out with magic eraser, of which I am not so sure I am fond of yet. Please do not report me to the transparent watercolour society for thinking about using white on one of the shells for a special effect. Decided to give Nick Simmons approach a try and did not tape down my paper and turned it round and round each time and sometimes drying with a dryer or, letting it dry to the bone on its own. Took a while! The very last layer was a thin one of just raw sienna and then spots of water, waiting and then some salt again.
I forgot about Mme Gautreau - you two need to get out more!Don't ignore her for too long,she won't like that. One of all-time great masterpieces, but would you believe I actually like the unfinished copy better? Call me weird.
Taking advice from me, just remember all bets are off, heheh. I'll be back, get to work!
THNX Nick.....I am back to work and have her up and running again. Was working in at a florist over the summer but quit just recently. Am planning a trip to the Met. Museum in Oct to see Madame. Will look up the unfinished one, never saw that before. When I look at this painting i just adore it. Am trying out all kinds of skin combos to get that pasty /healthy look ROFL
chlorate of potash-lozenge...could be the next big thing on the runways. Have you read "Strapless"?
Here's a not-very-good pic of the copy:
LOL..I forgot to look on this site. Is the very one I've been using for reference and missed the "unfinished" link! Isn't his whining about her priceless? Wow, the unfinished showed me 3 places to correct when painting. And aren't his sketches hilarious?! She looks SO annoyed/annoying. But what a profile to die for...she really was lined beautifully.
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