Madame X had to take a small sabbatical while new 140lb CP arrived....she complained bitterly that the hotpress was abusive :)
So, here is what has been transpiring in the wings.....This has a background of about 7 layers of Holbein cobalt, marine, burnt sienna, and raw sienna. Using water drops, kosher salt, and spritzing with a toothbrush for effects. Lifting out with magic eraser, of which I am not so sure I am fond of yet. Please do not report me to the transparent watercolour society for thinking about using white on one of the shells for a special effect. Decided to give Nick Simmons approach a try and did not tape down my paper and turned it round and round each time and sometimes drying with a dryer or, letting it dry to the bone on its own. Took a while! The very last layer was a thin one of just raw sienna and then spots of water, waiting and then some salt again.