Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Bird is Finally Finished :)

It is finally done ...I will do a million things different on the next painting!  This one was a good workout for me.  Lots of things to bend my brain  lol  I still do not know what to title it.......I look at it and it says "Here's Looking At You"   



Nick said...

talk about an intimate little private really created that here, and it's just right

Don Gray said...

Micah, this came out beautifully. I like how the bird, though a focal point, doesn't dominate but blends right in--just like it would in nature.

Micah Neff said...

Hey Nick, it is pretty private and intimate isn't it...had not thought of it that way!

Don, thanks a bunch. Had a good work out on this one and really did learn alot. I think I am getting addicted to painting the wild outdoors. The adage to paint what one knows is very true.